If you’re on a budget, you can opt for one of the many pre-order options. The Telfar Bag Security Program allows shoppers to pre-order their favorite bags in limited sizes and colors. The handbags are made to order and ship several months later. The price is still quite reasonable, but you can spend up to $310 more than the average shopper.
When can you buy a Telfar bag and what does it cost? You can pre-order the bag starting on October 5 at 12 p.m. ET. You have 36 hours to decide whether to pre-order. The bag is not free, however, and you need to pay for it in full at the time of purchase. Thankfully, there’s a way to split the cost into four equal payments if you’re unable to decide right away. You can also opt for Klarna, which breaks the cost up into four payments.
Among the celebrities who wear the Telfar bag is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. It has been seen on the arms of Oprah and Solange, and you’re sure to spot it in the crowd. If you can’t afford the $202 price tag, however, you can always look for it online. Just be sure to look around before you make the final decision. It’s worth it to spend the money on quality.
A Telfar bag isn’t cheap, but it’s affordable when compared to high-end designer bags. While the Toy Loulou Bag costs $1250, the Telfar bag costs around $150. The Telfar Bag Security Program is so popular that it has led to the creation of memes from fans’ reactions on social media. Some of these memes went viral on Twitter.