Before you get your car insurance, consider the types of coverage you want. Most states require liability coverage, which pays for damages incurred in an accident. Other coverages, such as collision or comprehensive, can be optional, but they can increase your protection and lower your premium. Here are the basics of each type of coverage. Listed below are some of the most important ones. Do you need them? Consider raising your deductible and choosing the best one for you.
Some insurance companies offer discounts if you pay your policy in full at the start of the policy. Others offer payment plans, ranging from two to monthly payments. You should ask your insurance agent about any discounts available. When shopping for your insurance, make sure to ask about any mileage thresholds. Getting an insurance quote with low mileage thresholds may save you money. Keeping your driving record clean is also a good way to lower your insurance costs.
Another important factor to consider when choosing your car insurance policy is whether you want to add the vehicles of your children. Children under 18 should have their own coverage, but parents can include them as additional drivers. This is especially helpful when you plan on taking road trips and long drives with them. Having an umbrella policy provides up to $1 million in liability coverage, which can help protect you from lawsuits from accidents involving your children.